Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Warning: Baby in Motion!

We had our 16 week checkup on Monday with the midwife, Heather, and it went really well for such a short visit. Standard procedure mostly; they took my weight (i've gained 7 pounds so far-right on track!), my blood pressure (118/59-great!), temperature (97.3-normal for me), and then it came time to check the baby's heart rate, and the fun began. I so look forward to this part of the appointment because there is something so magical, moving and really, so reassuring about hearing that speedy lub-dub. However, it wasn't quite so easy this time. The second that she put the monitor on my belly, the room was filled with noise: my heartbeat and a lot of other loud noise that I couldn't distinguish.

Normally it takes a few seconds to pick up a clear signal on the baby, and then the monitor is held over that spot long enough to record the heart rate. This time however, we still hadn't found it after about 30 seconds. My midwife looked calm, but at the point where I could literally hear (and feel) my own heartrate accelerate, I asked her, "is something wrong?"

"No, No, No!" she laughed, "I'm sorry, I should have said something, but I was concentrating. The baby is definitely there, and definitely fine--all that extra noise we hear is a lot of extra movement! You've got an active little one in there!" Man, was I relieved. From that point on, all we did was laugh, as each time that Heather picked up a signal we'd hear the baby throwing a left hook, or turning a somersault, or kicking up a storm. It was hilarious.

We finally got the heart rate. 135-140 beats of excited and busy beating. I felt so proud of my little busy body that I almost teared up thinking of all the things this child would some day do with all that energy.

Still can't feel any of these acrobatics, but that will come soon I'm sure. Maybe a couple more weeks (or a couple more days???). It's a feeling I just can't wait to feel.

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