There are now three of us in this little family, and I think that warrants a blog. Don't you?
Friday, May 21, 2010
24 Weeks/6 Months
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Luke's Birthday and a Garden too!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mother's Day 2010
On Sunday, (Mother's Day proper), I told Luke, "all I want to do today after church is eat, nap, then go for a walk!" And that's exactly what we did. We also found time to sneak in a few more belly shots:

After a walk that was absolutely lovely, but probably a bit too long for my ever widening hips...we decided on greek lamb wraps for dinner and shot up the hill in Old Town to the Met Market for supplies. I remembered a very funny "mama" (Lisa Ganung) telling me that they had an "expectant mother's" parking was worth checking out and cashing in on! Sure enough, we found it and it was vacant when we pulled it. I made my proud papa Luke take a picture, that I'm thinking might be a favorite of mine for a long time:

All in all, a pretty fine weekend. Although Luke and I both agree that I still have a lot of work to do before I'm a bonafide Mother on Mother's Day--we had a great time celebrating the little one who will be heading our way in a few months. I can't believe I'm already at 22weeks!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
comic relief
Still, I was counting the days until I got to hear the heartbeat. And when the day finally arrived, I was thrilled...'What's it going to sound like?' I wondered. I grew less rational from there. 'What if we can't hear it? What if this is all some sort of mistake? What if something is wrong?' I felt myself get very cold as I lay on the table and waited...[then] the room was filled with steady drumming, like the sound a horse makes when it runs across hard ground. It's a dancing rhythm, filled with energy, a music that made my chest squeeze with joy. Then the nurse moved the probe to pick up my heartbeat as well. Mine was a slower, rushing rhythm, like moving water. Together this was the sound of two lives sharing a body, a curious, beautiful song that I could have listened to for hours while I tried to find the meaning within. Maybe this is why all human cultures have music. It's the way we bring our heartbeats outside and share them, and say, 'We're alive.'